Being Creative
Being creative seems to be our inner nature. Through the conditioning in early childhood the natural flow of life often get blocked or frozen inside. We had to accept, what is right and what is wrong. We had to learn by imitating. In this way we forget much of our uniqueness.
After using Osho's meditation techniques and going through other processes one can become more aware of conditioning, one can let go of limitations, one can open again to the inner source of energy with the Reiki techniques.
Painting as playing with colours is reconnecting with the inner space of innocence - nothing is good or bad - nothing is right or wrong - it is just an expression of the energy of THIS moment.
Read the article on Osho news: Himani Paints in the Himalayas
Osho Neo-Reiki master Himani brings her dream to paint in the Himalayas into reality
Foto Story (1996)
"The Essence of Women"
As a woman Himani has different aspects in herself and sometimes she can see them reflected in other women … then she can recognize directly.
When she meets women who seem to be very different from her … she can paint and then understand them better.

"What a Lady!"
(140 x 105 cm, Acryl)
This painting was created after a session with Aura Soma (Pallas Athene and Äolus) to the issue of integrating female and male aspects.

(14 x 37 cm, Acryl)Me…sa is a woman, who touches humans as well as objects with the frag-rance of her love. She will need time to retreat into her roots after the flowering of this season, to rest in darkness - waiting - to rejoice in the new awakening.

(19 x 48 cm, Acrylic)
Ji…ry has the flowering time of her life behind her. In her autumn she may look dry, on the surface. She knows the emptiness - between the leaves - and radiates warmth and earthy silence. The red layer on the two new growing leaves indicates the potential of her creativity, beyond hormons and biology.

(14 x 38 cm, Acrylic)
Sa…di is still standing in the shadow, she is hardly seen, not recognized. She grows in silence from her roots, unfolding the green of her life into two stars. Ready. The buds out of the center will unfold and start shimmering in the golden dust of light.

"Delicate Strength"
(18 x 55 cm, Acryl)
Hi…ni unfolds the female and the male pole in her life, exposing herself to the storms. From time to time she has to letgo of the fruits, down to the earth, returning to the source of creation.

"Strength in Action"
(19 x 56 cm, Acryl)
An…do can allow her inner flower to unfold inside and at the same time she can act with the powers of the world on the outside.
Inner Feng Shui
From reading about and experimenting with the traditional Feng Shui Himani has learned about the effect that colours can have on our space for living and working. And this knowledge can be used to harmonize energies by using her energy paintings, by bringing them to the best spot in a room.
Even more we can gain from the paintings for the inner Feng Shui, for an inner energetic balancing and harmonization. When we allow us to absorb the colours, the structures of a picture … consciously done … we will become aware how it affects our energy and where inside. Then we can choose a painting that gives us the greatest support for feeling more centered, more at home inside, more quiet or joyful … whatever we choose to have.

"Strength in Action"
(19 x 56 cm, Acryl)
An…do can allow her inner flower to unfold inside and at the same time she can act with the powers of the world on the outside.

"Zwischen - Raum (2013)"
"Inter-Vales" 8-9-10
July 2013 in Pai, Northern Thailand.

My flame for life (2010)

After the storm (2010)

Village in Nainital (2010)

Aura Soma (1999)

Enter the mistry (1999)

In the middle (1992)
Group Process
After having experienced the libration of one of her childhood limitations, Himani was ready to show her paintings in exhibitions, called “Flowering in the Master’s Garden”. Then she created a weekend group process called “Opening to Creativity” to reconnect with the joy and playfulness of the inner child and to regain that innocence and uniqueness through playing with colours.
Once creativity starts flowing again, it will flow into other areas of life as well. Every act can be done in a creative way or in a non-creative way.