About Osho

Osho's unique contribution to the understanding of who we are defies categorization. Mystic and scientist, a rebellious spirit whose sole interest is to alert humanity to the urgent need to discover a new way of living on this unique and beautiful planet.
His essential point is that only by changing ourselves, one individual at a time, can the outcome of all our "selves" – our societies, our cultures, our world – also change. The doorway to that change is meditation.
Osho the scientist has experimented and scrutinized all the approaches of the past and examined their effects on the modern human being and responded to their shortcomings by creating a new being and responded to their shortcomings by creating a new starting point for the hyperactive 21st Century mind: OSHO Active Meditations.
Once the agitation of a modern lifetime has started to settle, "activity can melt into "passivity," a key starting point of real meditation. To support this next step, Osho has transformed the ancient "art of listening" into a subtle contemporary methodology: the OSHO Talks. Here words become music, the listener discovers who is listening, and the awareness moves from what is being heard to the individual doing listening Magically, as silence arises, what needs to be heard is understood directly, free from the distraction of a mind that can only interrupt and interfere with this delicate process.
These thousands of talks cover everything from the individual quest for meaning to the most urgent social and political issues facing society today. Osho's books are not written but are transcribed from audio and video recording of these extemporaneous talks to international audiences. As he puts it, "So remember: whatever I am saying is not just for you...I am talking also for the future generations."
Osho has been described by The Sunday Times in London as one of the "1000 Makers of the 20th Century" and by American author Tom Robbins as "the dangerous man since Jesus Christ." Sunday Mid-Day (India) has selected Osho as one of ten people – along with Gandhi, Nehru and Buddha – who have changed the destiny of India.
About his own Osho has said that he is helping to create the conditions for the birth of a new kind of human being. He often characterizes this new human being as "Zorba the Buddha" – capable both of enjoying the earthy pleasures of a Zorba the Greek and the silent serenity of a Gautama the Buddha.
Running like thread through all aspects of Osho's talks and meditation is a vision that encompasses both the timeless wisdom of all ages past and the highest potential of today's (and tomorrow's) science and technology.
Osho is known for his revolutionary contribution to the science of inner transformation, with an approach to meditation that acknowledge the accelerated pace of contemporary life. His unique OSHO Active Meditations are designed to first release the accumulated stresses of body and mind, so that it is then easier to take an experience of stillness and thought free relaxation into daily life.
“Osho ist ein erleuchteter Meister, der mit allen ihm zur Verfügung stehenden Mitteln dafür arbeitet, der Menschheit über eine schwierige Phase bei der Bewußtseinsentwicklung hinweg zu helfen.“ zu helfen.“
S.H. Dalai Lama
“Osho é o mais importante e mais bem sucedido professor no domínio que resulta da intersecção da psicologia, psicoterapia, filosofia e religião”
Dr. Guy L. Claxton, D.Phil (Oxford) Prof. de Psicologia da Educação na Universidade de Londres
“Osho é a maior encarnação depois de Buda, na Índia”
Sua Santidade Iangjung Rigepe Dorje, o Décimo Sexto Gyalwa Karmapa
“Osho is a man blessed with a great sense of humor and wisdom.”
Yehudi Menuhin
“Osho is an enlightened master who is working with all possibilities to help humanity overcome a difficult phase in developing consciousness.”
The Dalai Lama
“Osho is the most dangerous man since Jesus Christ…
He’s obviously a very effective man, otherwise he wouldn’t be such a threat. He’s saying the same things that nobody else has the courage to say.
I have read enough of Osho’s brilliant books to be convinced that he was the greatest spiritual teacher of the 20th century…
He understood us better than we understand ourselves.”
Tom Robbins, author
“Osho’s incredible taped discourse lectures and books have inspired me and millions of others on the path of self-evolution. … He is like a great bell tolling, Awaken, Awaken, Awaken!”
James Coburn, actor
“Osho is an enlightened master of this time.”
Satya Vedant, Pune

To be with Osho, my beloved Master
has changed my life totally,
first in the outer dimension,
then more and more in the inner,
It is the Best,
That has happened to me,
It is the Best,
I can share with you
in all my gratitude.