What is Osho Neo-Reiki?
Article about Osho Neo-Reiki
by Himani ( originally in German, April 2002 / May 2004 )
My story with Reiki is closely connected with the inner story of myself, with the story of my becoming human.
When in the middle of my thirties (around 1975) I started searching for “something”, where I could be whole , I was in the first place thinking of a place or a project outside of me, where I would be able to live “wholly” with my knowledge, my talents, my skills as well as with the different aspects of my personality. Until then I had only lived these in separate areas and only limited.
At that time I had not expected or even suspected, that there would be totally new dimensions for me to be experienced. I started with meditation in the traditional way, that is sitting and watching the breath. Very soon I broke through into my inner world, where I found the memories of my early child-hood in World War II. These burdens I had to get rid of. First I started with a group in Gestalt-Therapy, then I met Osho, my Master, and used regularly and long-time the active meditations techniques, designed by him for modern humanity.
At the beginning my way was like trekking in darkness, over stony slopes upwards, downward again into the valley through threatening forest and thorny undergrowth till slowly I advanced to the well of the waters of life.
Over the years the river of life became stronger, was flowing more quickly …to lead into the ocean one day.
A very meaningful process at that time was a therapy in Past Lives. It helped me to unburden tons of guilt and to understand myself as part of humanity. I was given hints into which direction my next steps would go. That's why it was a clear move for me to participate in a weekend workshop about Reiki with Mary Mc Fadyen even when I had never heard about Reiki before and “energy” was only a word for me.
In that spring 1982 I started with the First Degree and up to today I stayed with Reiki. Of course I have also learned and practiced other techniques of body- or energy-work. I gathered some knowledge about anatomy and about the Chinese system of meridians. All this has opened the entrance to my very own inner knowing.
At the beginning it was my hands, which, through their increasing sensibility knew better and better how they wanted to move or where and how they wanted to touch another person's body/energy/system. Slowly I could trust my hands more and more, could give them more freedom and at the same time listen to my inner comments as well. There was the echo from school-times in my unconsciousness, usually telling me that I did something not right or not well. But there also was a – totally new - understanding from a higher level of my consciousness, where – AHA! – everything was clear and sensible.
In this way I slowly learned to trust my intuition more and give it space in my “ hand ling” of daily situations. From the brain researches I learned to understand, that we have two hemispheres: the left side of the brain we use for rational thinking, for activity, for moving outwards. The right part of the brain facilitates intuitive knowing, being receptive, looking inwards. From Osho I heard, that we only have learned to use a part of the left-brain, that mostly both sides are no longer connected and that meditation can bridge and integrate again. For my personal process this meant, that I was no longer looking for “ being whole ” on the outside, but started to understand this as an inner dimension.
Reiki as technique of laying on the hands always stayed the basic part of my work with others. It is the simplest and most natural technique I know, not coming from doing, but from letting-happen. During the many years of practicing my whole life has taken a turn from doing and “must” to letting-flow and “allowing”.
During certain periods I have also allowed other energy-transmitters to flow into my Reiki work. So I was guided to integrate the qualities of certain stones, then crystals with their clear power … till these qualities were awakened and activated in me, as aspects of myself. That meant, that my inner potential was coming to the surface, into my consciousness. Memories, experiences, learned knowledge – from this life time and others – were more easily available. For example with the awakening and strengthening of my inner fire also my talent and joy in painting was set free.
At another time of my work sounds were coming to me, which were vibrating in me and creating space inside. These sound vibrations I allowed to flow into the other body during the Reiki sessions – for creating space and vibration. Aura Soma has helped me in very subtle ways to activate and enrich the inner colours. The Flower Essences of Dr. Bach and other systems were always helpful companions to me. And often they were part of my recommendations for the subtle inner changes in others.
After having gained experiences in individual sessions for seven years, I received the Reikimaster Training – again from MaryMcFadyen (in January 1989). Afterwards I have lived and worked for many years in the Osho Commune International in India – nine full years (from 1989 till 1998) I was giving Reiki in the Mystery School. On the very first day of my very first group, I received the message from Osho: ”From now on you call it Osho Neo-Reiki.” That was a big moment for me. How could I grow into this name? How could I fill it? What was my very individual song in this existence?
And so I ask myself again right now: What is my individual contribution in the big orchestra of Reiki practitioners?
I respect the frame, which has come to me from the tradition:
In Osho Neo-Reiki as I present it, there are:
Initiations into the First Degree (four),
the Second Degree (three),
the Master Degree (one).
The weekend of a First Degree begins with an introduction to “Energy” and the History of Reiki with updates on the actual streams. The basic positions (around twenty) for partner-treatment and the positions for self-treatment (seven, according to the energy centres in the body) are being demonstrated and practiced.
Moreover a Quick-treatment for harmonizing these energy centres (chakras) and their places in the body is taught. In addition I give first explanations to the different qualities of the chakras and their possible expression in the personality.
Basic guidelines to the issue of “Sickness and Healing” can help to bring more light and understanding into the emotions and thought patterns, lying underneath a symptom.
An introduction into Osho Kundalini and Dynamic Meditation gives participants the possibility to experience the effects of these active Meditation techniques and to use them maybe later when old emotions like suppressed anger are surfacing.
During a weekend with the Second Degree there are detailed instructions and practice with the three Reiki-symbols as they were passed on by Mrs. Takata to Mary McFadyen.
In my personal understanding the first symbol brings an increase of energy; and the awakening of one´s own potential in powerful (fire-)energy.
The second symbol I am introducing for the specific technique, called “Men-tal Healing”, i.e. healing through the layers of the mind. As the tradition has taught me, this symbol creates a bridge between the normal mind and its subconscious and superconscious layers; and inside me it creates a clearer perception of them. For better understanding I am presenting Osho´s model of the seven layers of consciousness.
The third symbol teaches us how to give Reiki-Distant-Treatments; and how to become more aware when projecting energy or emotions on others.
The training for the Master Degree for teaching and initiating others follows after an appropriate time of practicing as a process of three days.
Out of my experiences with the Reiki techniques, the inspiring insights of Osho, the observations in my personal process and the transformation of many fellow travellers, I have developed the “Trainings in Metaphysical Energy Work”. They are open for everyone, who has received a Reiki-initiation (or a corresponding training).
The training in Metaphysical Energy Work Part 1
(“ Re-gaining Self-Love”) offers structures through which the inner space of the spiritual heart is expanding. Experiments in “Reading” energies of another person show the differences between the perception of the head and the heart. The sensibility for energy centres is trained; and the role of the healer is explored.
In the training in Metaphysical Energy Work Part 2
(“Re-gaining Strength”) the individual use of the symbols is compared to let us become more aware of the subtle changes in ourselves (for example if we are sending form the “Third Eye” or allowing heart energy to flow). Special attention is given to the possibilities of using Reiki for situations. The awareness of energy bodies is trained; and the creative energy of the heart expands.
The training in Metaphysical Energy Work Part 3
(“Re-gaining Dignity”) deepens and expands the capacities to perceive the subtle energy changes in ourselves and in the clients. First experiments in surgical methods of energy work can help to open inner doors if perception. Explored are our inner attitudes and identifications , like the “Helper”, the Healer”, the “Master”.
In the meantime I have taken my residence, my living basis in Europe again. From here I will continue to travel with trainings, with exhibitions of my energy paintings.
Travelling Institute
While Himani was teaching in the Osho Multiversity / India for many years, the work with Reiki had expanded into "Metaphysical Energy Work", i.e. energy work beyond the physical in the subtle energy bodies. These experiences with meditation, with Osho, with Reiki, with herself Himani has been sharing already with others for more than ten years as a "travelling institute" in Europe, India and Taiwan.
You are welcome to contact her ( , when you know of a place and people
who are interested in the Osho Neo-Reiki Initiations to reconnect with the source inside (First Degree)
who want to explore deeper layers in the unconscious and superconscious mind (Second Degree)
who are initiated already and want to expand inside (Trainings in Metaphysical Energy Work, part 1, 2 and 3)
to regain Self Love,
to regain Strength and
to regain Dignity
who are ready to pass on their experiences to others (Master Degree).
For Testing: Mini sessions to balance the seven energy centers in the body give a chance to feel more relaxed after a short treatment. It is a good possibility to bring a little more consciousness to what is and what could be energetically.
For Tasting the quality of well-being it is recommended to take a full hour session, in which the whole body will be covered by laying on the Reiki hands so that all parts of the system can drink from the source as much as they want at that time.
For Transforming blocks or weak energy places to the natural potential of aliveness a package of 3 - 4 sessions is offered. In combination with the Active Meditation techniques from Osho deep and specific surgical energy work is possible and a new alignment of the energy centers (chakras) can be established.
For Practicing oneself one starts with the First Degree Initiations, a weekend process to reconnect with the source inside, to open the hands again so that energy can flow naturally again - nourishing oneself, friends, pets, objects, food …
Second Degree Initiations bring more energy, new possibilities for using this energy and new understanding on deeper layers of the mind.
Master Degree Initiations are for those who have gathered enough experiences with Reiki and with themselves so that they can teach others.
For Expanding the space inside of ourselves the Trainings in Expanded Energy Work are created. The deeper we move inside ourselves, the easier it will be to connect with the other's inner being.
When meditating and deepening the Reiki techniques, we can
re-gain Self-Love (part 1),
re-gain Strength (part 2) and
re-gain Dignity (part 3).